• chevron_right

      Movim is moving!

      Timothée Jaussoin · pubsub.movim.eu / Movim · Wednesday, 20 January, 2021 - 06:47 edit

    Following our previous article, with the sudden subscription of hundred of new users both on our XMPP #services movim.eu and jappix.com and on #Movim itself it seems that we are starting to be quite limited by our current servers capacity.

    You might have noticed some connection issues and downtimes the past few days that are the direct result in this recent gain of interest for Movim.

    In the upcoming days we are planning to migrate the whole #infrastructure to a new server to give a bit more space for the project to grow and to allow many new users to join us.

    This will involve some extra server costs. If you want to help us covering our expenses you can always join our Patreon.

    By the way, we also bumped the size limit from 3Mb to 10Mb on our XMPP upload service, enjoy!

    • chevron_right

      Good news everyone!

      Timothée Jaussoin · pubsub.movim.eu / Movim · Monday, 18 January, 2021 - 12:36 edit


    So it seems that we doubled our daily registrations the past few days 🎉 .

    Thanks to #WhatsApp lots of new people are discovering XMPP and its ecosystem . We also recently rolled-out an improved and simplified flow for the registration process. You can find it there Register on movim.eu and share the link around.

    We will also communicate soon about some big news about #Movim itself, stay tuned 😉

    • chevron_right

      Movim is full of new features for 2021!

      Timothée Jaussoin · pubsub.movim.eu / Movim · Friday, 25 December, 2020 - 22:43 · 1 minute

    A lot of new exciting features were added to #Movim the past few weeks! Like Chat Reply, that allows you to quickly quote and reply to an exisiting message in a one to one or chatroom discussion.

    Chat Reply

    It is now also possible to search and add GIFs within the discussions thanks to the Tenor integration. This feature is totally optional. The administrator can easily enable it by adding the #Tenor API key within the Movim admin panel (don't forget to restart the daemon).

    Tenor GIFs

    The embedding feature was also greatly improved. Movim now resolves video urls, pictures as well as general website URLs to embed them properly within the chat! Some improvements in the picture preview feature now also allows you to preview pictures from the embedded url quickly before visiting it.

    URL preview

    And finally, some improvements were made to the picture proxy feature. To simplify, Movim is protecting its users by serving the externally shared pictures (from Internet websites for example) and acting as an intermediary. It also automatically recompress the pictures if they are too large.

    Server administrators that are hosting a Movim pod can now easily setup a cache system allowing those Movim proxyfied pictures to be kept for a while and reduce the load on the Movim side. For example, if someone is sharing a large picture URL in a chatroom, the first time Movim will display it to a member, it will recompress it and keep it in a cache, the other users will then directly request the cached version and load it instantly.

    The One-Page-Setup wiki page has been updated to explain how to setup that cache easily.

    With all those new features Movim is now ready to compete with other web chat platforms such as #WhatsApp or #Discord. But with the power of decentralisation, standard and build on open-source technologies.

    It also seems that a big feature might be planned for 2021, stay tuned ;)

    If you enjoy Movim and want to help funding the project, you can help us on Patreon. This will allow us to cover our monthly expenses and fund some new features.

    Thanks again for your support!

    That's all folks !

    • chevron_right

      Create a jappix.com account on our XMPP server!

      Timothée Jaussoin · pubsub.movim.eu / Movim · Wednesday, 2 December, 2020 - 08:19 edit


    In 2017, after some discussions with the #Jappix owner, the Movim team handled the administration of the jappix.com XMPP server and its 17.500 users.

    Since that time, it was not possible to create a jappix.com account anymore (only the exisiting users were able to login).

    A little upgrade of our registration form is now allowing you to register jappix.com accounts as well as the existing movim.eu ones.

    And as expected, all the jappix.com #accounts can experience the same features as the movim.eu ones :)


    • chevron_right

      Reply to chat messages, a new Movim feature coming soon!

      Timothée Jaussoin · pubsub.movim.eu / Movim · Sunday, 1 November, 2020 - 15:02 edit

    A new useful #feature has been merged into Movim today. It will also be part of the upcoming 0.19 #release.

    This change relies on the standard XEP-0201: Best Practices for Message Threads and allows you to #reply to a chat message using any XMPP account using Movim.

    You could already find such feature on other chat platforms like #Telegram or #WhatsApp, the flow is also quite similar: on supported messages, click on the reply button and a little preview will appear next to the chat box input, fill in your message, publish, et voilà !

    You can also navigate to the original message by clicking on the little preview (if this message is currently shown in the conversation).

    Reply to chat messages feature

    Enjoy :)

    • chevron_right

      Movim just flattened the (connections) curve !

      Timothée Jaussoin · pubsub.movim.eu / Movim · Wednesday, 21 October, 2020 - 07:37 edit · 1 minute

    A few days ago I discovered that the #Eloquent database library (the one that Movim is using for a few years now) had some events that could be caught by an event listener.

    With this simple mechanism #Movim could be aware of when exactly a #SQL request is done during the execution time.

    The Movim #architecture is based on several processes that talk to each others, and each connected session (each user connected to a specific XMPP account) is having its own sub-process. The main issue with this architecture is that all those processes relies on a common database (PostgreSQL or MySQL) and each process open an unique connection to the database. See How's Movim made? Part I - The Architecture to know more about this architecture.

    When you start to have a lot of users connected on the same instance, this is opening lots of connections to the database. This is creating a congestion and can slow down the general performances.

    This simple commit ask Eloquent to close the connection after a few seconds of inactivity. Eloquent is reconnecting automatically if a new SQL request is made after the disconnection. This allows to free-up the socket resources once "we don't really need it anymore".

    And here is the result once this commit deployed on nl.movim.eu

    The PostgreSQL connections curve