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      Movim 0.22 - Kowal

      Timothée Jaussoin · pubsub.movim.eu / Movim · Sunday, 25 June, 2023 - 16:02 edit · 3 minutes

    Only a few months after Movim 0.21 - Whipple we are releasing Movim 0.22, codename Kowal.

    This version was more focused on stabilization, cleanup and refactoring but also introduces a couple of new exciting features. It requires PHP8.1+ to work properly.

    Let's dive in!

    Blog privacy toggle

    Already introduced in a previous blog post this new feature allow you to change your blog privacy level between "public" and "subscribers only".

    Global OMEMO toggle

    After some feedback from the community a global #OMEMO toggle was introduced in the settings. OMEMO is therefore disabled by default from this version.

    This decision is especially linked with the current encryption implementation that relies on libsignal-protocol-javascript that is deprecated by their authors. The performances of this library are not that great, especially on mobile devices, which caused lots of accessibility issues for some Movim newcomers.

    For now, no serious alternative are available, if you know one do not hesitate to tell us about it.

    Fixes and improvement around audio-video calls

    Several small tickets (#1212, #1213, #1214) linked to the the audio-video call integration and compatibility with other clients were fixed.

    Missed and refused call events are also now tracked properly and displayed in your contacts conversations.

    Cleaner URLs

    The ? was (finally) removed in front of all the URLs! While being way cleaner it also fixes some issues when #Movim URLs were shared around, especially on some other social-networks. Don't worry about retro-compatibility, existing URLs are redirected to the new format.

    Rewrite of the XEP-0077: In-Band Registration related code

    Movim is supporting XEP-0077 for close than 10 years now and this code was never really refactored since then. All the #XMPP code, and related user flow, were cleaned and upgraded to the latest Movim standard, fixing a few issues in the meantime!

    New Chat bubble design and interaction

    Kowal introduce a totally new way of interacting with the chat bubbles.

    While keeping the small actions icons on desktop it is now possible to simply click (or tap) on the bubbles to open a sub-menu which presents all the actions available.

    This menu allows you to react, retract, reply and copy the message content in one click/tap. Easy!

    The new chat message menu

    Under the hood... or not

    An important refactoring was done to simplify and factorize redundant items in the UI. This brought some big code cleanup, both on the front part (what is taking care of what you see) of Movim but also in the core and XMPP layers. The code was modernized and ported to PHP8.1+ in many places as well.

    Several Pubsub related issues were fixed improving the compatibility with existing XMPP servers such as Prosody or ejabberd (see the related ticket). Movim now detect Pubsub nodes misconfiguration and reconfigure them properly to respect the privacy and settings specified in all the Pubsub related implemented XEPs that it supports.

    This refactoring also brought some small UI improvements such as a new design for the contact status bubbles and a totally new way to handle Contacts and Communities avatars. We are strongly advising you to configure the Picture Proxy Cache on your Web Server when upgrading to greatly improve the page load time.

    Two important security fixes

    CVE-2023-2848 fixes a security issues that allows under certain circumstances to open a #Websocket to Movim from a different domain. It was fixed in this commit.

    CVE-2023-2849 is not directly linked with Movim itself but the related server configuration.

    When the domain that host upload files is the same as where Movim is hosted it is possible to upload a malicious Javascript file and execute it in the Movim sandbox. The attack surface is really minimal but we advise you to ensure that such case cannot happen on your instance. To do so you can use different domains between the two services or force the browser to handle all the uploaded files as attachments and not inline elements using a simple HTTP header:

        add_header Content-Disposition attachment;

    What's next?

    The multi-part audio and video-conference feature that was planned for the 0.22 is pushed back to the 0.23. The amount of work planned for that is quite big, therefore it was more relevant to move all the code cleanup and refactoring plans in Kowal and have this milestone before jumping into this new exciting feature set !

    As always, if you find issues or want to share some feedback you have on the project, you can find how to contact us on our official website and our Github.

    That's all folks!

    • chevron_right

      Movim is now on DockerHub PARTY POPPER

      Timothée Jaussoin · pubsub.movim.eu / Movim · Monday, 22 May, 2023 - 22:17 edit


    Thanks to the awesome work of two Movim contributors kawaii and kskarthik there is a new Github action that automatically build the image and publish it on Docker Hub allowing you to deploy the latest Movim release on your server 😎

    Checkout our DockerHub page to get your image!

    #docker #dockerhub #movim #container

    • chevron_right

      Turn your blog fully public with this new Movim feature!

      Timothée Jaussoin · pubsub.movim.eu / Movim · Sunday, 30 April, 2023 - 12:54 edit

    It is now possible to change your #Movim #blog privacy level using a new setting in the Configuration page.

    All the Movim blogs used to be restricted to the users following them, now you can give access to your content to everyone visiting it 🥳

    Blog privacy setting

    You can also know if a blog is restricted or not by visiting it.

    Blog visibility

    Enjoy this new #feature !

    • chevron_right

      Movim 0.21.1 - Whipple

      Timothée Jaussoin · pubsub.movim.eu / Movim · Thursday, 13 April, 2023 - 21:20

    A few days after the official 0.21, we are releasing a 0.21.1 containing a few small fixes.

    This version fixes an Opcache related issue that was creating trouble with PHP 8.1, see #1183 for more information.

    Movim only load the only required PDO database driver configured in the .env configuration file (see #1193).

    And finally a few elements were added in the ?infos page to complete the #integration with join.movim.eu. To add your instance on the website you will need to have, at least, this version of #Movim.

    That's all folks !

    • chevron_right

      Introducing Join Movim!

      Timothée Jaussoin · pubsub.movim.eu / Movim · Monday, 10 April, 2023 - 12:54 edit

    We are happy to introduce Join Movim 🥳

    Join Movim banner

    Discover and explore all the existing public Movim servers and add yours to expand even more the federated network 🌍 !

    An up-to-date Movim instance is required if you want to add yours to the list. The registration process is quite straightforward. The servers list is refreshed each hour.

    #Movim #XMPP #federation #join

    • chevron_right

      Movim 0.21 - Whipple

      Timothée Jaussoin · pubsub.movim.eu / Movim · Wednesday, 29 March, 2023 - 21:43 · 4 minutes

    Movim 0.21, codename Whipple, is finally out!

    Party GIF

    Let's have a look of all the new and improved things that you can find in this big #release 🥳

    Message replies

    You can now reply to messages thanks to the implementation of the XEP-0461: Message Replies.

    Message replies in action

    More and more clients in the XMPP ecosystem supports this feature, including Slidge, new XMPP gateways project that is allowing you to bridge Movim with Telegram, Discord and many others chat platforms.

    Push Notifications

    Movim now integrates WebPush. Never miss a message, even when Movim is closed. This feature is also working when you install Movim as a Progressive Web App on your Android or iOS device.

    Configure your Push Notification from the new panel

    Improved account configuration

    The configuration panel has been redesigned to be more accessible.

    You can now block contacts directly from your Movim instance and manage your block-list from the panel.

    Microphones and webcams can also be configured and tested from the Audio & Video configuration tab.

    Audio and Video configuration

    New emojis

    This version brings the support of Unicode 14 and many new emojis that you can use in your messages, posts, replies and reactions.


    Movim is following the #Material Design guidelines since 2014. This release is bringing a fresh redesign of the components and animations based on Material 3.

    The main menu was reorganized to clarify the navigation and hide the second-level pages in a sub-menu that appears when hovering the account item.

    Following this redesign Movim accounts can now set a banner next to their avatars.

    A profile with a banner

    Share and Send To

    The Send To feature, that allows you to send articles to contacts was completed by a Share feature allowing you to share the article in a new publication on your personnal blog on in a Community that you're in. Useful to share things around !

    Sharing an article

    Audio messages

    Movim can now play and record #audio messages.

    Record and send audio messages

    Gallery Communities

    When creating or configuring your Communities you can now set a Community type. The Gallery Community forces the publications to contain at least one image and display them as a grid.

    A Gallery Community

    This feature is the result of a long clarification and standardization work made on XMPP Pubsub with the pubsub#type attribute, the introduction of a new XEP based on that change called XEP-0472: Pubsub Social Feed and the support of pubsub#type in ejabberd (related ticket).

    Performances, memory consumption and stability

    A very important work was done to limit the Movim processes memory consumption.

    The daemon and subprocesses are now using PHP Opcache to load and share only once lots of files that were previously loaded multiple time during the Movim runtime. PHP modules are also loaded using a predefined whitelist to limit the usage of useless modules in memory.

    DotEnv configuration

    The old configuration system has been moved to the DotEnv standard. This change merges all the previous configuration (database, daemon and paths) into an unique .env file.

    They can also be set using environment variable directly in your Docker Compose, or Web Server (using SetEnvin Apache for example).

    The official Movim Docker image was also updated to fit those changes.

    Migration from Movim 0.20

    If you are planning to upgrade your current Movim instance please follow those few steps:

    1. Copy and rename the .env.example file in .env and complete the few configuration variables in it. They should be the same as the one you set in the previous db.inc.php file and your daemon parameters.
    2. Remove the db.inc.php file
    3. Remove all the daemon.php parameters from your init.d, systemd services or other scripts. The daemon launch command should look this way: $ php daemon.php start.

    ...and as always, don't forget to run the migrations (php composer.phar movim:migrate) and restart your daemon.

    XMPP Pubsub node security and restrictions

    Movim 0.21 is not trusting anymore posts, likes and comments that are not containing the explicit identifier (Jabber ID) of the publisher and therefore now rely on this part of the XEP-0060: Pubblish-Subscribe - 12.16 Associating Events and Payloads with the Generating Entity.

    All the existing likes and comments might be not counted anymore or seen as "Non trusted" ones. All the new published ones will be configured properly.

    Migration from Movim 0.20

    On ejabberd

    You can update all the existing stored node configuration to force the new default configuration using the following SQL request. You might do a backup of your database before doing such changes:

    update pubsub_node_option set val = `publisher` where name = `itemreply` and val = `none`

    ...and load those changes without restarting ejabberd:

    $ ejabberdctl clear-cache

    On Prosody

    Ensure that you have the expose_publisher = true set in your configuration, see the related documentation.

    What's next?

    Movim 0.22 should include two big projects.

    OMEMO rewrite ?

    The cleanup, rewrite and refactoring of the OMEMO support that is quite buggy and not opmized. We are not promising anything on this side, OMEMO is always a complex beast to handle.

    Multi-part audio and video-conference feature

    The audio and video conferencing features were already introduced a few years ago in Movim. Some preparation work has been done in this 0.21 release to be able merge back the pop-up video-conference window inside the main window for the upcoming release.

    The multi-part audio and video-conference feature is also one of the main feature that miss in Movim and is requested quite often by our users. Let's see if Movim 0.22 finally include this long awaited #feature.

    Regarding the amount of work that need to be done regarding those features it might be possible that specific funding will be requested for it to free up enough time to work properly on their integration.


    A big thanks to the #Movim community that is growing more than ever. You can find us on our main support chatroom movim@conference.movim.eu.

    If you find issues or if you want to contribute to the project you can find everything on our Github page.

    And if you want to support us, fund the development of new features and help us pay our servers, domains and communication we are actively looking for supporters and sponsors on our Patreon.

    That's all folks!

    • chevron_right

      Timothée Jaussoin · pubsub.movim.eu / Movim · Thursday, 24 November, 2022 - 12:32 edit

      Contact publication

    • reply chevron_right

      Libervia progress note 2022-W45

      Hello, it's time for a long overdue progress note. I'll talk here about the work made on ActivityPub (AP) gateway and on end-to-end encryption around pubsub. Oh, and if everything goes well, this blog post should be accessible from XMPP and ActivityPub (and HTTP and ATOM feed), using the same identifier goffi@goffi.org. Forewords The work made on the AP gateway has been possible thanks to a NLnet/NGI0 grant (with financial support from the European Commission's Next Generation Internet programme). I especially appreciated that the team was really there to help bring the ideas to life, and not once did they get in the way: little paperwork, no unnecessary pressure, caring, contacts when help was needed, etc. I wish there were more organizations like this one that really help develop libre projects for the common good. So once again I want to thank them for all that. XMPP ⬌ ActivityPub Gateway There is probably no need to explain here what is ActivityPub, we can simply write that it is an open protocol that allows to do things that XMPP also allows doing, and that until now these 2 protocols could not communicate together. The work on the ActivityPub gateway aims to allow software implementing one of these 2 protocols to communicate as easily as possible. I firmly believe that all open protocols should be able to communicate which each other, to avoid creating more silos, proprietary software is already good enough at that. To be useful, a gateway must use the full potential of both protocols. A simple bot transcribing messages as we see too often, using unsuitable features (such as instant messaging for blog posts), or using a very limited set of features to ensure compatibility are flaws that I have tried to avoid. Building a good gateway is a difficult and time-consuming task. If done right, the gateway should be as invisible as possible to the end user. XMPP is featuring blogging since long before AP, however the set of features is not exactly the same. Current use of AP is clearly inspired from commercial "social" networks, and metadata such as subscribers/subscribed nodes (or followers/following in AP terms) are highlighted, feature such as like/favourite were missing in XMPP, and some implementation such as Pleroma do implement reactions. To integrate that in the gateway, I've been working on new specifications: Pubsub Public Subscriptions: a way to publicly announce subscriptions, in an opt-in way. With this it's possible to implement followers/following features in a way respectful of privacy. Pubsub Attachments: a generic way to attach any kind of data to a pubsub item. It's notably used to implements noticed/favourite button (see

      people goffi 24 November, 2022

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      Say hello to our official Mastodon account… and new Patreon page!

      Timothée Jaussoin · pubsub.movim.eu / Movim · Friday, 18 November, 2022 - 18:19 edit

    Mastodon Welcome

    Movim is joining the Mastodon network you can follow us on @movim@piaille.fr to stay informed of our latest news or you can continue to follow our official blog as well 😋

    We also totally refreshed our Patreon page and introduced two new membership levels, Supporter and Sponsor. If you want to help Movim and fund our development do not hesitate to support us there.

    We would really like to first cover our monthly expenses (servers, domains…) and if we get enough support be able to fund some new features such as group-videoconferencing 🥰

    #Patreon #Mastodon #Sponsor #Support #Movim

    • chevron_right

      Movim, the federated blogging and chat platform!

      Timothée Jaussoin · pubsub.movim.eu / Movim · Friday, 11 November, 2022 - 22:48

    Bye bye Facebook, bye bye Twitter, the federated platforms are ready to take over!

    The whole Fediverse is booming, Mastodon looks like a really promising replacement for the little blue bird and Peertube to replace Youtube. Many other platforms are currently being developed around the ActivityPub ecosystem like explained in this article The Fediverse is so much bigger than Mastodon.

    Mastodon banner

    We think that Movim also fit perfectly in there by being a perfect blogging and chatting platform. Fully built on the widely used Internet standard XMPP it is packed with plenty of exciting features in a nice and friendly user interface.

    The Libervia project is actually working on a bridge between ActivityPub (the Fediverse core protocol) and XMPP which would allow us to connect all those exciting platforms with Movim!

    ActivityPub and XMPP

    Feel free to share the word to help us!

    We are just at the beginning of this exciting journey :)


    #movim #xmpp #activitypub #fediverse #mastodon #libervia #twitter #facebook