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      Erlang Solutions: A Guide to RabbitMQ

      news.movim.eu / PlanetJabber · Thursday, 4 April - 12:20 · 5 minutes

    Looking to learn more about the basics of RabbitMQ? This powerful message broker plays a key role in modern, distributed systems.

    This post will break down its fundamentals and highlight its importance in the world of modern, distributed systems.

    An introduction to RabbitMQ

    RabbitMQ emerged from the need to create a scalable, robust messaging system that was able to handle high volumes of communications between applications, all while maintaining both data and performance.

    It is now a popular open-source messaging broker, with queue software written in Erlang. One of its key strengths is its ability to support and adhere to Application Programming Interface (API) protocols, for example, AMQP, HTTP AND STOMP.

    What are APIs you ask?

    They define the rules and conventions that allow for the interaction and communication of different software. For developers, APIs are the go-between that allows them to access a software or services functionality, without the need for a full understanding of the ins and outs of that particular system.

    In turn, these protocols offer a standard method of transmitting commands and data. The result? Seamless integration and interoperability between different systems.

    Let’s circle back to one previously mentioned protocol, the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol or AMQP. This protocol was made to ensure that messages are reliably delivered between applications, no matter where the platform it is running on is located. AMQP has precise rules for the delivery, formatting and confirmation of messages. This ensures that every message sent through an AMQP-based system, like RabbitMQ, reaches its intended location.

    Here’s an illustration better explaining the AMQP system:


    Source: The Heart of RabbitMQ

    What is RabbitMQ used for?

    Developers use RabbitMQ to efficiently process high-throughput and reliable background jobs and facilitate the integration and communication between applications. It is also great at managing complex routing to consumers by integrating various applications and services.

    RabbitMQ is also a great solution for web servers that require a rapid-request response. It also effectively distributes workloads between workers, handling over 20,000 messages per second. It can manage background jobs and longer-running tasks, for example, PDF conversion and file scanning.

    How does RabbitMQ work?

    Think of RabbitMQ as a middleman. It collects messages from a producer (publisher) and passes them on to receivers (consumers). Using a messaging queue, it then holds messages until the consumers can process them.

    Here’s a better overview of these core systems:

    Producer (publisher) It sends messages to a queue for processing by consumers.
    Queue Where messages are transferred and stored until they can be processed.
    Consumer (receiver) It receives messages from queues and uses them for other defined tasks.
    Exchange The entry point for the messaging broker. It uses routing rules to determine which queues should receive the message.
    Broker A messaging system that stores produced data. Another application can connect to it using specific details, like parameters or connection strings, to receive and use that data.
    Channel Channels offer a lightweight connection to a broker via a shared Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection.


    Source: RabbitMQ tutorials

    Key features of RabbitMQ

    As one of the most powerful and flexible messaging systems, RabbitMQ offers several key features, including:

    Security: Various security features in RabbitMQ are designed to protect systems from unauthorised access and potential data breaches. With authentication and authorisation support, administrators can control which users or applications have access to certain queues or exchanges. It also supports SSL/TLS encryption , to ensure clear communication between brokers and clients.

    Reliability: Reliable message delivery by supporting features, such as message acknowledgement and persistent message storage.

    Scalable and fault-tolerant: RabbitMQ provides features for building scalable and fault-tolerant messaging systems. It also supports clustering, whereby adding more nodes to the cluster allows the system to handle higher message volumes. It’s then able to distribute the workload across multiple nodes, making for efficient utilisation of resources. In the case of a node failure, other nodes in the cluster can continue to handle messages without interruption.

    Extended features: RabbitMQ is not limited to the AMQP protocol, but is very versatile and can support a host of others, such as MQTT and STOMP.

    Enterprise and the Cloud : RabbitMQ is lightweight and easy to deploy on the public as well as private clouds using pluggable authentication authorisation.

    Tools and Plugins: RabbitMQ offers a host of tools and plugins , ideal for integration and wider support.

    Common use cases for RabbitMQ

    We’ve already highlighted the versatility of RabbitMQ in modern distributed systems. With its robust features and flexible architecture, here are some most common use cases:

    Legacy applications: RabbitMQ integrates with legacy systems by using available or custom plugins. You can connect consumer apps to legacy apps for example, connecting JMS apps using the Java Message Service (JMS) plug-in and JMS client library.

    Distributed systems: RabbitMQ serves as a messaging infrastructure in distributed systems. It fosters asynchronous communication between different components, facilitating the scalability and decoupling of the system.

    IoT applications: When used in Internet of Things (IoT) applications, RabbitMQ can handle the exchange of messages between devices and backend systems, allowing for reliable and efficient communication, control and real-time monitoring of IoT devices.

    Chat applications: For real-time communication in chat applications, RabbitMQ manages messaging exchanges between users, facilitating group chat and instant messaging functionalities.

    Task/job queues: RabbitMQ manages task queues and distributes work across multiple workers. This means that tasks are processed efficiently and at scale, reducing bottlenecks and utilising resources.

    Event-driven architectures: RabbitMQ is great for carrying out event-driven architectures.

    It allows various system components to respond to events and seamlessly interact with each other.
    Microservices communication: A common use of RabbitMQ is enabling asynchronous and reliable communication between microservices. Messages are delivered, even if some services are unavailable.

    To conclude

    As businesses seek to adopt distributed architectures and microservices-based applications, RabbitMQ remains a go-to choice for improved adaptability and seamless integration across systems. If you’d like to discuss how RabbitMQ can improve your applications, get in touch with the Erlang Solutions team.

    The post A Guide to RabbitMQ appeared first on Erlang Solutions .

    • chevron_right

      Isode: Harrier 4.0 – New Capabilities

      news.movim.eu / PlanetJabber · Thursday, 4 April - 11:33 · 1 minute

    Harrier is our Military Messaging client. It provides a modern, secure web UI that supports SMTP, STANAG 4406 and ACP 127. Harrier allows authorised users to access role-based mailboxes and respond as a role within an organisation rather than as an individual.

    You can find out more about Harrier here .

    Server Administration and Monitoring

    Harrier 4.0 adds a Web interface for server administrators to configure Harrier. Key points:

    • Secure bootstrap
    • Sensible defaulting of parameters to facilitate startup
    • Per domain and global configuration options
    • Security features, including TLS, HSM, S/MIME and Security Labels/Security Policy
    • Full configuration of all Harrier options and capabilities

    In addition to configuration, the Web user interface provides a monitoring capability to show server activity and key operational parameters.

    UI Enhancements

    A number of improvements made to the Harrier UI including:

    • Variable size compose windows, retaining user preferences and stacking multiple windows
    • HTML Message editing:
      • Font bold/italic/underline/colour
      • Lists and Bullets
      • Reply to HTML messages
    • Undo and redo in message editor
    • Organizations in from selection has configurable default and alphabetic sort.
    • Active role shown on browser tab. Facilitates working with multiple roles in different tabs.
    • Extended message search capabilities to include:
      • Filter by precedence
      • Free text search in choice of: body; subject; SIC; action; info; from

    Security Enhancements

    The following security enhancements added:

    • Per domain S/MIME signing policy (never/if possible/always). Model is administrator choice rather than user selection.
    • Policy control of using S/MIME header signing.
    • Policy choice to alert users to unsigned messages.
    • Policy choice to allow encryption.
    • Policy choice of encryption by enveloping or triple warp.
    • Message Decrypt on initial access. The primary goal of S/MIME encryption is end to end protection. Some clients leave messages encrypted, which can lead to problems over time if keys become unavailable or are changed. Decryption prevents these issues. Note that for triple wrap, the inner signature is retained.

    Other Enhancements

    • Server option to force user confirmation of message send (audit logged). Important in some scenarios to confirm message responsibility.
    • Option to configure multiple address books in different directories.
    • Revalidation of recipients before message release.
    • Timezone option to be Zulu or Local.
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      www.isode.com /company/wordpress/harrier-4-0-new-capabilities/

    • chevron_right

      XMPP Providers: laberzentrale.de

      news.movim.eu / PlanetJabber · Saturday, 30 March - 00:00 · 1 minute

    Listed since Dec 31, 2023 · Website: unknown
    Cost: unknown
    No legal notice available
    Bus factor : unknown
    Organization: unknown
    Server / Data location: unknown
    Professional hosting : unknown
    Green hosting
    Server software: ejabberd 23.01-1


    You cannot register on this provider (at any time)
    An email address is not required for registration
    No CAPTCHA must be solved for registration
    You cannot reset your password
    Messages are stored for an unknown time or less than 1 day

    File Sharing ( HTTP Upload )

    Allows to share files up to an unknown size or less than 1 MB
    Shared files are stored up to an unknown size or less than 1 MB
    Stores files for an unknown time or less than 1 day
    Compatibility / Security
    Compatibility 100
    Security ( C2S ) unknown
    Security ( S2S ) unknown
    Email -
    Chat -
    Group chat -

    Provider Category


    Categories explained
    Why not category "A"
    • No support via XMPP chat or email
    • Not free of charge or unknown
    • Registration is not available (at any time)
    • Legal notice is missing
    • Sharing files is allowed up to an unknown size or less than 1 MB
    • Shared files are stored for an unknown time or less than 1 day
    • Shared files are stored up to an unknown size or less than 1 MB
    • Messages are stored for an unknown time or less than 1 day
    • No professional hosting or unknown
    • Server location is unknown
    • Provider is too young or not listed long enough
    laberzentrale.de badge
    Embed badge

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      providers.xmpp.net /provider/laberzentrale.de/

    • chevron_right

      XMPP Providers: lightwitch.org

      news.movim.eu / PlanetJabber · Saturday, 30 March - 00:00

    Available since Nov 3, 2017 · Website: EN
    Cost: Free of charge
    Legal notice: EN
    Bus factor : unknown
    Organization: unknown
    Server / Data location: 🇮🇹
    Professional hosting
    No green hosting
    Server software: Metronome 4.0.3


    You can register on this provider directly via: You can register on this provider via a web browser
    Register (EN)
    An email address is not required for registration
    No CAPTCHA must be solved for registration
    You can reset your password: EN
    Messages are stored for 30 days

    File Sharing ( HTTP Upload )

    Allows to share files up to 1024 MB
    Shared files are stored up to an unlimited size
    Stores files for 7 days
    Compatibility / Security
    Compatibility 90
    Security ( C2S ) unknown
    Security ( S2S ) unknown
    Email -
    Chat -
    Group chat EN

    Provider Category


    Categories explained
    Why not category "A"
    • Compatibility is insufficient
    lightwitch.org badge
    Embed badge

    This provider does not offer a Provider File .

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    Providers are checked for updates on a daily basis.

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      providers.xmpp.net /provider/lightwitch.org/

    • chevron_right

      XMPP Providers: macaw.me

      news.movim.eu / PlanetJabber · Saturday, 30 March - 00:00

    Available since Mar 14, 2019 · Website: EN
    Cost: Free of charge
    Legal notice: EN
    Bus factor : 1 person
    Organization: Private person
    Server / Data location: 🇺🇸
    Professional hosting
    Green hosting
    Server software: ejabberd 23.10


    You can register on this provider directly via:
    An email address is not required for registration
    A CAPTCHA must be solved for registration
    You can reset your password: EN
    Messages are stored for an unlimited time

    File Sharing ( HTTP Upload )

    Allows to share files up to 104 MB
    Shared files are stored up to an unlimited size
    Stores files for an unlimited time
    Compatibility / Security
    Compatibility 100
    Security ( C2S ) unknown
    Security ( S2S ) unknown
    Email EN EN
    Chat EN EN
    Group chat EN

    Provider Category


    Categories explained
    macaw.me badge
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    • chevron_right

      XMPP Providers: magicbroccoli.de

      news.movim.eu / PlanetJabber · Saturday, 30 March - 00:00

    Available since Jun 20, 2017 · Website: EN
    Cost: Free of charge
    Legal notice: DE
    Bus factor : unknown
    Organization: unknown
    Server / Data location: 🇩🇪
    Professional hosting
    Green hosting
    Server software: ejabberd 24.02.5-magicbroccoli.de


    You can register on this provider directly via: You can register on this provider via a web browser
    Register (EN)
    An email address is not required for registration
    A CAPTCHA must be solved for registration
    You can reset your password: EN
    Messages are stored for 90 days

    File Sharing ( HTTP Upload )

    Allows to share files up to 52 MB
    Shared files are stored up to an unlimited size
    Stores files for 30 days
    Compatibility / Security
    Compatibility 100
    Security ( C2S ) unknown
    Security ( S2S ) unknown
    Email -
    Chat -
    Group chat EN

    Provider Category


    Categories explained
    magicbroccoli.de badge
    Embed badge

    This provider does not offer a Provider File .

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    Providers are checked for updates on a daily basis.

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      providers.xmpp.net /provider/magicbroccoli.de/

    • chevron_right

      XMPP Providers: mailbox.org

      news.movim.eu / PlanetJabber · Saturday, 30 March - 00:00 · 1 minute

    Listed since Mar 19, 2022 · Website: DE | EN
    Cost: Paid
    Legal notice: DE | EN
    Bus factor : unknown
    Organization: unknown
    Server / Data location: 🇩🇪
    Professional hosting
    No green hosting
    Server software: ejabberd 18.12.1-2


    You can register on this provider via a web browser
    An email address is not required for registration
    No CAPTCHA must be solved for registration
    You can reset your password: DE | EN
    Messages are stored for an unknown time or less than 1 day

    File Sharing ( HTTP Upload )

    Allows to share files up to 10 MB
    Shared files are stored up to an unknown size or less than 1 MB
    Stores files for an unknown time or less than 1 day
    Compatibility / Security
    Compatibility 80
    Security ( C2S ) unknown
    Security ( S2S ) unknown
    Email -
    Chat -
    Group chat -

    Provider Category


    Categories explained
    Why not category "A"
    • No support via XMPP chat or email
    • Not free of charge or unknown
    • Registration via XMPP apps is not supported (at any time)
    • Sharing files is not allowed up to a size that is large enough
    • Shared files are stored for an unknown time or less than 1 day
    • Shared files are stored up to an unknown size or less than 1 MB
    • Messages are stored for an unknown time or less than 1 day
    • Compatibility is insufficient
    mailbox.org badge
    Embed badge

    This provider does not offer a Provider File .

    Latest change: Mar 11, 2024 · Something changed?

    Providers are checked for updates on a daily basis.

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    • chevron_right

      XMPP Providers: monocles.eu

      news.movim.eu / PlanetJabber · Saturday, 30 March - 00:00

    Available since Aug 21, 2021 · Website: DE | EN | ES | FR | HE
    Cost: Free of charge
    Legal notice: DE | EN
    Bus factor : 3 persons
    Organization: Commercial person
    Server / Data location: 🇩🇪
    Professional hosting
    Green hosting
    Server software: Prosody 0.12.4


    You can register on this provider via a web browser
    Register (EN)
    An email address is not required for registration
    No CAPTCHA must be solved for registration
    You can reset your password: DE | EN | ES | FR
    Messages are stored for 60 days

    File Sharing ( HTTP Upload )

    Allows to share files up to 104 MB
    Shared files are stored up to 3221 MB
    Stores files for an unlimited time
    Compatibility / Security
    Compatibility 100
    Security ( C2S ) unknown
    Security ( S2S ) unknown
    Email -
    Chat EN
    Group chat -

    Provider Category


    Categories explained
    Why not category "A"
    • Registration via XMPP apps is not supported (at any time)
    monocles.eu badge
    Embed badge

    This provider offers a Provider File .

    Latest change: Jan 30, 2024 · Something changed?

    Providers are checked for updates on a daily basis.

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      providers.xmpp.net /provider/monocles.eu/

    • chevron_right

      XMPP Providers: movim.eu

      news.movim.eu / PlanetJabber · Saturday, 30 March - 00:00

    Available since Aug 16, 2017 · Website: EN

    Alternative Addresses

    Cost: Free of charge
    Legal notice: EN
    Bus factor : 1 person
    Organization: Private person
    Server / Data locations: 🇩🇪 | 🇫🇷
    Professional hosting
    Green hosting
    Server software: ejabberd 24.2.0


    You can register on this provider via a web browser
    Register (EN)
    An email address is not required for registration
    No CAPTCHA must be solved for registration
    You can reset your password: EN
    Messages are stored for an unlimited time

    File Sharing ( HTTP Upload )

    Allows to share files up to 100 MB
    Shared files are stored up to an unlimited size
    Stores files for an unlimited time
    Compatibility / Security
    Compatibility 95
    Security ( C2S ) unknown
    Security ( S2S ) unknown
    Email -
    Chat -
    Group chat EN

    Provider Category


    Categories explained
    Why not category "A"
    • Registration via XMPP apps is not supported (at any time)
    • Compatibility is insufficient
    movim.eu badge
    Embed badge

    This provider offers a Provider File .

    Latest change: Mar 9, 2024 · Something changed?

    Providers are checked for updates on a daily basis.

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